Monday, January 17, 2011

Super Size Me (PG-13) 7.5

Super Size Me (2004): While examining the influence of the fast food industry, Morgan Spurlock personally explores the consequences on his health of a diet of solely McDonald's food for one month.

Director: Morgan Spurlock
Stars: Morgan Spurlock, Daryl Isaacs and Lisa Ganjhu

Movies like this one, Food, Inc. and Future of Food remind us to think about what's in the processed food we eat day in and day out. It isn't just the fast food that is made with the sole purpose of generating profits for corporations. The end result is that we the consumers end up with unhealthy food, the rest of the world farmers are end up having to compete with American mega-corporations which also receive government subsidies. I think, people should watch these movies time and again to remind themselves the artificialness of what we eat. 8.5 in my book.