The Suicide Tourist: A story of struggling to live ... and deciding when to die. Is this a choice everyone should have?
Director: John Zaritsky
Stars: Craig Ewert
[This is not strictly a movie. It is a PBS documentary for the program Frontline. Link above is to the full video at the Fronline web site.] Shows why the right to die on your own terms is a basic human right. Sometimes we want to say "I've had enough; I want to go now." The documentary is respectfully and elegantly done. (At the end of the Blade Runner movie, the last remaining Replicant, Roy Batty, says "time to die" and turns itself off. Sometimes, I wish we humans had that on/off switch; then we wouldn't need the assistance of another person or a drug cocktail. Perhaps, a topic for a different blog, but why should the Right to Die debate center around a terminal illness... why can't it be a right by itself that I can exercise when I say when?) My Rating: 7.5