The Nines (2007): A troubled actor, a television show runner, and an acclaimed videogame designer find their lives intertwining in mysterious and unsettling ways. (6.6)
Director: John August
Writer: John August
Stars: Ryan Reynolds, Hope Davis and Melissa McCarthy
I can't talk about the storyline without giving away a major aspect of the plot. A nice tangled web three (four?) stories told in a very interesting way. A very well thought-out story; well constructed and nicely presented. Until the end you don't know what's what and how they all fit together, but they do. I also liked the fact that the character is a "nine" instead of 'the mythical infinite-score of the "ten."' Just enough humor and yes, the three major actors play their roles perfectly. People who don't like this movie didn't get it. Upon reflection, more of a Sci-Fi than you'd think. (Ooh, I so much want to link to one of my blog pieces here, but doing so would give a spoiler.) My Rating: 7.5