Pink Floyd The Wall (1982): A troubled rock star descends into madness in the midst of his physical and social isolation from everyone. (7.8)
Director: Alan Parker
Writers: Roger Waters (album "The Wall"), Roger Waters (screenplay)
Stars: Bob Geldof, Christine Hargreaves and James Laurenson
As the Wikipedia article says, this is a very symbolic and metaphorical movie, and much has been written about the movie and the group. So, this here are my memories... I saw this movie for the first time when I was a freshman at USC. Being an FOB, I wasn't crazy about it the first time. (I didn't get it.) However, along with Brazil and The Graduate, this got repeated almost every semester at USC on Friday nights, so I got another chance to see it the following year. Loved the Another Brick In The Wall ever since, specially the "We don't need no education ... no dark sarcasm in the classroom" part. Of course, at 'SC there was a building where lots of our Engineering classes were held called Olin Hall. Our inside joke was to call it "Olin Hall--another brick in the wall." My Rating: 8.0