Last Train Home (2009): A family embarks on an annual tormenting journey along with 200 other million peasant workers to reunite with their distant family, and to revive their love and dignity as China soars as the world's next super power. (7.6)
Director: Lixin Fan
Stars: Changhua Zhan, Yang Zhang, Suqin Chen, Qin Zhang
Language: Mandarin (w/ English subtitles)
This is a must-see documentary for anyone who has consumed Chinese made products. It is heartbreaking to see what millions of Chinese migrant workers have to go through so those of us in the industrialized world can have cheap consumer goods. There are several messages in this documentary film. There are some others in the Travelers and Magicians movie. It would be an interesting discussion to talk about what is happiness and how best to achieve it; and do we in the West even know it. My Rating: 7.5