The Secret of Kells (2009): Young Brendan lives in a remote medieval outpost under siege from barbarian raids. But a new life of adventure beckons when a celebrated master illuminator arrives from the isle of Iona carrying an ancient but unfinished book, brimming with secret wisdom and powers. (7.5)
Directors: Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey
Writers: Tomm Moore (original story), Fabrice Ziolkowski (screenplay)
Stars: Evan McGuire, Brendan Gleeson and Mick Lally
The Book of Kells is an illuminated manuscript Gospel book in Latin but I don't know how much of this story is real, myth or just made up for the movie (it doesn't matter to me). This is a beautifully drawn animation. The drawing style is unique for this format, and perfectly suited for the subject matter. (As an aside, this movie tells the story of Norsemen or barbarians invading and destroying the poor defenseless christian churches, but the spread of Christianity did the same to other groups/religions.) Overall, a nice story, nice animation, nice colors, etc. A good contrast against the styles of Pixar and other like animation companies. My Rating: 8.0