Bad Day to Go Fishing (2009) Mal día para pescar (original title):
Jacob van Oppen, the former strongest man on earth, and his manager Orsini, who calls himself "the Prince", make a good living by traveling around small South American towns and organizing wrestling exhibitions. (6.9)
Director: Álvaro Brechner
Writers: Álvaro Brechner, Juan Carlos Onetti (short story), Gary Piquer
Stars: Gary Piquer, Jouko Ahola, Antonella Costa
Languages: Spanish (w/ English subtitles) and English

The above IMDB description is a tad bit off in the sense that the two drifters don't make a good living; they barely make do with their con. And, is it really a con, I'm not sure. The opening sequence puts you in the right mind for the rest of the movie and that's the genius of the presentation. The two lead characters are portrayed to perfection. They are not just two con artists. There is a lot behind their current positions and we get the notion that they are much more than just two simple figures. Most of the movie is a set-up for the climactic match at the end; but I never felt that the story is being stretched too thin or that we are just being stringed along for a ride and a train wreck. That, I believe, is the beauty of the storytelling here. The cinematography is just brilliant that brings out the quaint charm of the small-town South America. The supporting cast is also remarkably good. And, who's fishing for what? Um, yeah! A great movie from Uruguay. My Rating:
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