House of Cards (2013– ):
Francis Underwood is Majority Whip. He has his hands on every secret in politics - and is willing to betray them all to become President. (8.9)
Directors: James Foley, Allen Coulter, David Fincher, Carl Franklin, Charles McDougall, Joel Schumacher
Writers: Kate Barnow, Andrew Davies, Michael Dobbs, Sam Forman, Beau Willimon, Rick Cleveland, Keith Huff, Sarah Treem
Stars: Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Kate Mara, Michael Kelly, Kristen Connolly, Sakina Jaffrey, Corey Stoll

Woo hoo ... this is an excellent series. Very good writing, wonderful screenplay, superb acting, etc. etc. (Many people have commented elsewhere how good this series is; I don't have to repeat it here.) The story itself is very absorbing. Since it is a Netflix series, you can't help yourself but watch one episode after the other. The power in the storyline comes from the fact that it is quite plausible and very close to the reality--at least what we think of as the mix of the politicians and the press--in today's Washington people using power, influence, money and sex for every advantage imaginable. Cinematography is quite nice and I especially enjoyed the nice time lapse sequences of Washington DC monuments. (I still can't get over the fact that Claire Underwood is Princess Buttercup; {sigh} The Princess Bride will never be the same again.) Can't wait for the next season. My Rating:
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