The Dead Zone (1983):
A man awakens from a coma to discover he has a psychic detective ability. (7.2)
Director: David Cronenberg
Writers: Jeffrey Boam (screenplay), Stephen King (novel)
Stars: Christopher Walken, Brooke Adams, Tom Skerritt

At the heart of the movie is the simple question (and probably in some song lyrics too) if you could see into the future would you take any drastic action to change it? But this story is a lot more than that. The circumstances surrounding it are poignant and heartbreaking. The depiction of the young man who falls into the coma and wakes up with the unusual ability makes the audience think about what you'd do under the same situations. Walken and Adams are superb in the leading roles. Kind of funny in the evolution of character portrayal that Martin Sheen plays the Senator who wants to be the President here and ends up playing the good-hearted President in the
West Wing later on. As any good story, this movie stays in your mind afterwards. My Rating:
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