Inception (2010): In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a highly skilled thief is given a final chance at redemption which involves executing his toughest job to date: Inception. (8.9)
Director: Christopher Nolan
Writer: Christopher Nolan
Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page
[Spoiler Alert] See my first blog entry as well. Seeing this movie the second time cleared some stuff for me, but then created more questions. If Mal is Cobb's own projection (in any level, after all she's dead) then why is she fighting him? Or is Cobb's subconscious mind sabotaging his own operations? If Cobb and Mal lived in limbo for 50 years and grew old together, why were they shown as a young couple committing suicide on the train tack? Shouldn't the designer of each level be the dreamer for that level? In dreams, people can fly, be at places thousands of miles away in an instant, all sorts of crazy stuff ... but these people in dreams, all they use are just street weapons; not dream-like at all. Okay, I'm still sticking with the original rating, but I see lots of places where the story could have been improved. My Rating: 8.5