Flock of Dodos: The Evolution-Intelligent Design Circus (2006): Filmmaker and evolutionary biologist Randy Olson tries to figure out if it is the Darwinists or Intelligent Design supporters who will become a flock of dodos. (7.4)
Director: Randy Olson
Writer: Randy Olson
Stars: Michael Behe, John Calvert and Jack Cashill
I wasn't sure if I wanted to see a movie/documentary about this non-debate. But this documentary highlights what the academics and scientists are really bad at ... explaining things in a simple manner so lay-people can understand. The debate isn't about two equal sides. It is about a bunch of religious zealots artificially creating a make-belief grassroots movement to teach creationism versus a group of scientists who treat the creationists like an annoying gnat. Granted, the established science of evolution shouldn't have come to this point where scientists have to justify it to school boards with religious and political aspirations, but that's what happens when a faith based system overrides everything else. This documentary actually does show that scientists have a lot of work to do educate the mass populace (without calling them dumb :-)). Including the filmmaker's mother gives it a personal and common person touch. My Rating: 7.0
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