Thursday, April 7, 2011

Passenger Side (R) 7.5

Passenger Side (2009): Two brothers spend the day driving around Los Angeles county looking for the meaning of their lives, or cheap street drugs, depending on who you happen to believe. (5.3)

Director: Matt Bissonnette
Stars: Adam Scott, Joel Bissonnette

Before watching the movie, my first impression: meh, lousy, why the hell did I get this? But, after watching it, this one is just for me. Most other folks won't like it, but half the movie is of shots of Los Angeles and scenes out the window of a car (going around in LA county), and the whole storyline ... I get it. The twist at the end is just so right (for me, at least) and gives a whole new meaning to the movie title. Value of a movie, I believe, has two parts: how much you like/enjoy it while watching; and how much you think about it afterwards. On both counts, this is a good one for me, probably not for many others, but just for me. My Rating: 7.5