Mother of Mine (2005): During World War II, more than 70,000 Finnish children were evacuated to neutral Sweden to avoid the conflict. "Mother of Mine" tackles that painful patch of history in a tale of 9-year-old Eero, a child who increasingly feels abandoned by his biological Finnish mother and yet not attached to his Swedish surrogate mom.
Director: Klaus Härö
Stars: Topi Majaniemi, Marjaana Maijala and Maria Lundqvist
Languages: Finnish, Swedish (w/ English subtitles)
Looking at the world through a 9-year older's eyes. The above snippet from the IMDB is an accurate description of the story. Good acting the significant details of the storyline bring it to life quite nicely and tackles issues not only of WWII, but those of today's society as well. Who and what's important and why people behave in certain ways various at times ... Made me think about my own life situations. My Rating: 7.0